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Community Care

A Guide to the Veteran Community Care Program at Laurel Cancer Care

The Veteran Community Care program at Laurel Cancer Care provides alternative cancer care options for U.S. Veterans.

The VA Community Care program allows Veterans to stay within their community, and receive the care they need from a local provider.

Who’s eligible for the Veteran Community Care program?

Eligibility for the Veteran Community Care program depends on each Veteran’s individual healthcare needs and circumstances.

Here are some important notes about eligibility for community care:

  • Veterans must receive approval from VA prior to obtaining care from a community provider, in most circumstances
  • Veterans must either be enrolled in VA health care or be eligible for VA care without needing to enroll to be eligible for community care
  • Eligibility for community care will continue to be dependent upon a Veteran’s individual health care needs or circumstances
  • VA staff members generally make all eligibility determinations

Six criteria qualify a Veteran to receive community care. NOTE: Veterans only need to meet one criterion to be eligible.
1. Veteran needs a service not available at a VA medical facility
2. Veteran lives in a U.S state or territory without a full-service VA medical facility
3. Veteran qualifies under the “Grandfather” provision related to distance eligibility for VCA
4. VA cannot provide care within certain designated access standards
5. It is in the Veteran’s best medical interest
6. A VA service line does not meet certain quality standards

How Does the Program Work?

Even if a Veteran is eligible to receive care from a VA medical facility, they are generally still given the option to receive care from their local health care provider.

If a Veteran chooses to receive care from a community provider, they will be connected with a VA staff member who will discuss the patient’s preferences for receiving local care.

Once the patient’s care preferences have been established, they will select a provider within their community.

Your Community Care Provider at Laurel Cancer Care

L. Cameron
Pimperl, M.D.

Dr. L. Cameron Pimperl served in the U.S. Air Force as a Lieutenant Colonel at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas. He was Chief of Radiation Oncology at Wilford Hall Medical Center, the nation’s top Air Force hospital.

What to Expect at Your First Appointment

Once you have found a community provider who is approved as part of the VA’s network, it’s time for your first appointment. Here are some things you should expect on your first visit.
On your arrival, the community provider should have the appointment, VA referral, and medical documentation on file.

If a follow-up appointment is needed, your provider will need to check to make sure the VA has authorized additional care before scheduling the appointment.

We Accept All Insurances as Part of the Community Care Program

If you think the Veteran Community Care program is right for you or a loved one, call us to see how you can get started, (601) 425-2999.

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